First transnational meeting – Baia Mare Romania

by | 30 Aug 2021

28. kolovoza održan je prvi transnacionalni sastanak partnera projekta “Autism+Sport: Training Social Inclusion”, pod vodstvom Running Matera u Baia Mare Rumunjska. Osam partnera razgovaralo je o napretku projekta, dosad provedenim aktivnostima i svim onima koje nas još očekuju. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na provedenu anketu i rezultatima online obuke “Autizam i sport”.
Posjetili smo i lijepo uređeni rehabilitacijski centar Asociatia Autismbm gdje se održavaju brojne motoričke i rehabilitacijske aktivnosti za osobe s autizmom.
Za kraj, organizirana je i turistička tura prelijepoga grada Baia Mare.
Zahvaljujemo se Asociatia Autismbm na nezaboravljivom iskustvu i gostoprimstvu. Veselimo se ugostiti sve partnere na idućem sastanku koji će se održati u Rijeci, Hrvatska.
On 28 August, the first transnational meeting of “Autism + Sport: Training Social Inclusion” project, led by Running Matera, was held in Baia Mare, Romania. Eight partners talked about the progress of the project, the activities carried out so far and all those that still await us. Special emphasis was placed on the conducted survey and the results of the online training “Autism and Sports”.
We visited the beautifully decorated rehabilitation center of Asociatia Autismbm where numerous motor and rehabilitation activities for people with autism are held. The trainer and children were excited to show off their impressive skills.
Finally, a tourist tour of the beautiful city of Baia Mare was organized.
We thank Asociatia Autismbm for an unforgettable experience and hospitality.
We look forward to welcoming all partners at the next meeting held in Rijeka, Croatia.
Udruga za autizam Rijeka


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