Second transnational meeting: Rijeka, Croatia

by | 13 Sep 2021

11. rujna održan je drugi transnacionalni sastanak projekta Autism and Sport: Train Social Inclusion. Sastanak je održan upravo u Rijeci. Ugostili smo partnere iz Latvije, Rumunjske, Španjolske i Italije.
Jutro smo započeli aktivno, šetnjom do Centra za autizam Rijeka, gdje su nas dočekali predsjednica Udruge Lidija Penko, ravnateljica Centra Sandra Čavrak i voditeljica rane intervencije Ivanka Pejić. Nakon predstavljanje Udruge i razgledavanja Centra, kineziolog Marko Brusač pokazao je u praksi svoj način rada sa djecom. Partneri su iz prve ruke vidjeli kako se provode vježbe u Centru, ali i na bazenu Kantrida. Nakon službenog dijela sastanka, vodič nas je poveo u razgledavanje znamenitosti grada Rijeke. Dan smo završili u veselom tonu, večerom i plesom. Nadamo se da smo bili dobri domaćini i da su se naši gosti dobro zabavili, najeli i da će se jednog dana s veseljem vratiti u naš grad.
S nestrpljenjem iščekujemo idući sastanak u Latviji.
On September 11, the second transnational meeting of the Autism and Sport: Train Social Inclusion project was held. The meeting was held in Rijeka. We hosted partners from Latvia, Romania, Spain and Italy.
We started the morning actively, with a walk to the Autism Center Rijeka, where we were greeted by the president of the Association Lidija Penko, the director of the Center Sandra Čavrak and the head of early intervention Ivanka Pejić. After the introduction and the tour of the Center, kinesiologist Marko Brusač showed in practice his way of working with children. The partners saw first hand how the exercises are conducted in the Center, but also in the Kantrida swimming pool. After the official part of the meeting, the guide took us on a sightseeing tour of the city of Rijeka. We ended the day in a cheerful tone, with dinner and dancing. We hope we were good hosts and that our guests had a good time, that they liked the food and that, some day, they come visit us again.
We are looking forward for the next meeting held in Latvia.
Udruga za autizam Rijeka


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