Učenik u spektru, spektar u školi / Student in spectrum, spectrum in school

by | 30 Nov 2022

U sklopu provedbe projekta Retrovizor danas je održana edukacija nastavnim djelatnicima Osnovne škole Centar u o neverbalnoj komunikaciji i njenoj primjeni pod nazivom “Učenik u spektru, spektar u školi”, a voditeljica edukacije je Dubravka Veršić, psih. djelatnica partnerske organizacije Centar za autizam Rijeka.

Međusektorska suradnja prožeta je kroz cjelokupnu provedbu projektnih aktivnosti i metoda rada, a u svrhu prijenosa znanja i jačanja kapaciteta mladih za obnašanje društvene uloge i aktivno djelovanje u lokalnoj zajednici. Ona je ujedno i baza provedbe aktivnosti s učenicima.

Provedba projektnih aktivnosti zamišljena je kao modularni pristup mladima gdje će u mentorstvu nastavnika i djelatnika prijaviteljeve i partnerske organizacije mladima pružiti mogućnost kreiranja sadržaja kroz teme građanskog odgoja.

Više o projektu možete pročitati ovdje

As part of the implementation of the project Rearview Mirror, today was held education for the teaching staff of the Elementary School Center about nonverbal communication and its application entitled “Student in spectrum, spectrum in school”, and the head of education is Dubravka Veršić, psyche. employee of the partner organization Center for Autism Rijeka.

Cross-sectoral cooperation is permeated through the entire implementation of project activities and working methods, with the aim of transferring knowledge and strengthening the capacity of young people to perform social roles and active action in the local community. It is also the basis for the implementation of activities with students.

The implementation of project activities is conceived as a modular approach to young people where, in mentoring teachers and employees, applicants’ and partner organizations will provide young people with the opportunity to create content through the topics of civic education.

You can read more about the project here

Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023

Udruga za autizam Rijeka


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