U sklopu provedbe projekta Retrovizor, 02.06.2023. održali smo i petu edukaciju unutar tematske cjeline „Dijelimo volontirajući“ s učenicima Osnovne škole Centar u sklopu Građanskog odgoja.
Ova edukacija ima za cilj poticanje važnosti volontiranja, građanske odgovornosti, međusobnog poštovanja, tolerancije i timskog rada među učenicima, a prilikom koje su učenici imali priliku upoznati se s temama koje uključuju:
- Važnost volontiranja u zajednici
- Građanska odgovornost i aktivno sudjelovanje u društvu
- Međusobno poštovanje i tolerancija
- Timski rad i suradnja
- Što je to volontiranje, volonterski ugovori, volonterske pozicije, knjižice, evidencija volonterskih sati i Zakon o volontiranju
- Tko je koordinator volontera, a tko mentor?
Na prošloj edukaciji, učenici su među sobom izabrali koordinatora volontera i mentora koji će zajedno osmisliti volonterske pozicije za svoje kolege učenike na nadolazećoj volonterskoj akciji, dok smo na ovoj edukaciji definirali volonterske pozicije te dogovorili princip podjele učenika po istima, ali i podijelili volonterske ugovore koordinatorici i mentorici volontera, kako bi ih one dalje podijelile i ispunjene prikupile među učenicima.
Više o projektu možete pročitati ovdje

As part of the implementation of the Retrovizor project, on June 2, 2023, we conducted the fifth education session within the thematic module “Sharing Through Volunteering” with students from Centar Elementary School as part of Civic Education.
This education session aims to promote the importance of volunteering, civic responsibility, mutual respect, tolerance, and teamwork among students. During the session, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with topics that include:
- The importance of volunteering in the community
- Civic responsibility and active participation in society
- Mutual respect and tolerance
- Teamwork and collaboration
- What is volunteering, volunteer agreements, volunteer positions, certificates, volunteer hour records, and the Volunteering Law
- Who is a volunteer coordinator, and who is a mentor?
In the previous education session, students elected a volunteer coordinator and a mentor who will jointly design volunteer positions for their fellow students in the upcoming volunteering event. In this education session, we defined the volunteer positions and agreed on the principles of dividing students among these positions. We also distributed volunteer agreements to the volunteer coordinator and mentor, who will further distribute them among the students and collect them once completed.
You can read more about the project here
Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023.