Udruga za skrb autističnih osoba s partnerima, poziva Vas da svojim dolaskom uveličate postavljanje prve komunikacijske ploče za potpomognutu komunikaciju u Gradu Rijeci i PGŽ-u i na taj način podržite mlade u izgradnji ravnopravnijeg društva za vršnjake s razvojnim teškoćama
GDJE: Na dječjem igralištu Potok u Ul. Josipa Završnika
(ispred Dječjeg doma Ivana Brlić Mažuranić – Potok)
KADA: 15.09.2023. godine u 11:00 h
Projektom „Retrovizor“ Udruga je napravila iskorak u društvenoj uključenost djece i osoba s razvojnim teškoćama u svakodnevnom životu, koristeći se alatima predmeta građanskog odgoja te dodatno aktivirala mlade za društvenu participaciju u lokalnoj zajednici kojoj pripadaju. Implementacijom projektnih aktivnosti u nastavni predmet „Građanskog odgoja“ unutar partnerskih organizacija, učenike iz Centra za autizam Rijeka i OŠ Centar uključilo se u provedbu, ne samo kao korisnike već i kao glavne protagoniste u rješavanju potreba osvještavanja unutar lokalne zajednice.
Više o projektu možete pročitati ovdje

“The Association for the Care of Autistic persons, along with its partners, invites you to join us in commemorating the installation of the first communication board for assisted communication in the City of Rijeka and Primorje-Gorski Kotar County. By doing so, you’ll be supporting young people in building a more inclusive society for their peers with developmental challenges.
WHERE: At the Potok Children’s Playground on Josip Završnik Street (in front of the Ivana Brlić Mažuranić Children’s Home – Potok)
WHEN: September 15, 2023, at 11:00 AM
Through the ‘Rearview mirror’ project, the Association has taken a significant step toward the social inclusion of children and individuals with developmental challenges in their everyday lives. It has employed tools from the field of civic education to further activate young people for social participation in their local community. The implementation of project activities as part of the ‘Civic Education’ subject within partner organizations has involved students from the Autism Center Rijeka and the Elementary School Center, not only as beneficiaries but also as key contributors to addressing awareness needs within the local community.”
You can read more about the project here
Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023.