Projekt “Retrovizor – osobe s razvojnim teškoćama su bliže nego što se čine” / „Rearview mirror – people with disabilities are closer than they appear“

by | 7 Oct 2022

Potpisivanjem Ugovora o financiranju projekta “Retrovizor – osobe s razvojnim teškoćama su bliže nego što se čine“ koji je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova, započinjemo s provedbom aktivnosti planirane projektnim prijedlogom.

Ovim projektom želimo napraviti iskorak u društvenoj uključenost djece i osoba s razvojnim teškoćama u svakodnevnom životu, koristeći se alatima građanskog odgoja dodatno aktivirati mlade za društvenu participaciju u lokalnoj zajednici kojoj pripadaju.

Aktivnosti se provode u Osnovnoj školi Centar i Centru za autizam Rijeka, koji su partneri u provedbi projekta.

Više o projektu možete pročitati ovdje

By signing the Agreement on the financing of the project “Rear-view mirror – people with disabilities are closer than they appear”, which is financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with the funds of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EGP grants, we begin the implementation of the activities planned in the project proposal.

With this project, we want to make a step forward in the social inclusion of children and people with developmental disabilities in everyday life, using the tools of civic education to additionally activate young people for social participation in the local community to which they belong.

The activities are carried out at Elementary School Center and Center for Autism of Rijeka, which are partners in the implementation of the project.

You can read more about the project here

Partneri / partners:

Osnovna škola Centar
Centar za autizam Rijeka

Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023.

Udruga za autizam Rijeka


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