Što je to civilno u društvu?

by | 21 Oct 2022

U sklopu provedbe projekta Retrovizor danas smo se družili s učenicima Osnovne škole Centar, gdje smo im unutar prve edukacije “Što je to civilno u društvu?” približili pojam civilnog sektora, ali ih i upoznali s aktivnostima projekta u kojem su oni sami glavni protagonisti u razvoju priče.

Aktivacija mladih u području volonterstva, sudjelovanje u javnim zagovaranjima, osvještavanje, senzibilizacija i prepoznavanje potreba u rješavanju problematika ranjivih i marginaliziranih skupina samo su neke od tema koje ćemo s učenicima aktivno obraditi u nadolazećem periodu, a koristeći se alatima Građanskog odgoja i kroz 4 tematske cjeline:

„Što je to civilno u društvu“

„Različiti i jednaki“

„Informirani smo, aktivni i odgovorni“

„Dijelimo volontirajući“

Više o projektu možete pročitati ovdje

Udruga za autizam Rijeka

As part of the implementation of the Project Rearview Mirror, today we mingled with the students of the Elementary School Center, where within the first education “What is civil in society?” we brought them closer to the concept of the civil sector, but also introduced them to the activities of the project in which they themselves are the main protagonists in the development of the story.

Youth activation in the field of volunteering, participation in public advocacy, awareness, sensitization and recognition of needs in solving the problems of vulnerable and marginalized groups are just some of the topics that we will actively cover with students in the coming period, using civic education tools and through 4 thematic units:

“What is civil in society”

“Different and equal”

“We are informed, active and responsible”

“We share by volunteering”

You can read more about the project here

Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023

Udruga za autizam Rijeka


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